I arrived late in the day, when the sun was to Faith's back.
We are far from Gettysburg, but here we see another moment similar in style to the National Cemetery. Again we have one dominant female statue standing on top of the monument, with four seated figures of mixed gender below. The symbolism reminds me of Tarot decks, which have four suits representing areas of human activity, and trump cards representing virtues.
The architect chose a larger statue on a shorter column. However, the statue was too large to make of a single stone. In time, the mortar joining the statue sections have worn. I have heard it referred to as "the world's ugliest statue." Having the sun at her back doesn't help. I shall have to return in the early morning to take a better shot.
Each statue represented one central virtue. On the side of each of their thrones, an image portrays two related virtues. Note, the virtues here tend towards the religious, while the Gettysburg virtues (Victory, Industry, Agriculture, Science, and Military) are more secular, representing fields of human activity.
Faith's back was to the sun late in the day, as the statue is facing the sea.
Next : Back to Gettysburg and the Pennsylvania Monument