Little Dreams

My dreams are little dreams. They do not
Soar or wallow or rage. No god's fury
Is invoked, no wrath compounded in
Fists of rising torment. No, they're
Smaller dreams, more compact--
Much easier to carry with me folded

My rebellions are not large rebellions.
No nations' paths are sundered by them,
Screams of the women trailing into sweet
Sunrise full of smoke and interlopers.
No, they're little rebellions, never
Lasting long, never going too far--
Much easier to conduct wherever I am,
And with no burden of blood justification

My life is a small life. No turgid facets,
Nor vast wealth gained, or lost, overnight;
No cast of thousands to gain, or lose
By the wayside of lust or religion or faith
But if I'll never reach the mountaintop,
By God I'll never sink in the pit of Hell

And my death will be a little death,
Well practiced, documented sweetly
No nations will weep over my passing,
And God will glance up only a moment
While attending to a fallen sparrow

Watch me carefully;
I will own your world.

Copyright 1996 by Sandy O'Connor, All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be copied either manually or electronically for republishing anywhere without my express written permission.

While most of these works are very well known indeed, I found Little Dreams on the web after asking Alta Vista for pages including 'mermaid' and 'logic'. Please honor her copyright.

We hold these truths
to be self evident...

Thoughts Worth Thinking is a collection similar to my Visions section. Rich Geib goes for quantity. The quality is pretty impressive as well...