This note requires a setting of the scene. Once upon a time, there
was an Internet flame war. Upon one side was CAR-PG, a group of
people whose purpose was discussing and improving role playing games.
Upon the other side was Drac, a Christian, a former role player, and
one who had repented of his past sin of role playing.
There are Christians who believe that because some role playing games
use demons as part of their plots and conflicts, it follows that all
role playing games are a form of demon worship. All role playing
games are therefore evil. All role players are sinners, who must
repent. CAR-PG, as one might well imagine, did not share this point
of view. The exchange between CAR-PG and Drac got to be violent,
intense, and pointless, even by Internet news group standards.
Dale Meier, a far more tolerant sort of Christian, published a rather
thoughtful letter on how not all Christians are intolerant and full
of hate, and how worried he was that conflict and intolerance would
contaminate the Internet and the Web.
This was a while ago. In Bosnia, the war was still hot. The forces of
the civilized west were retreating from Somalia, where the local
populace did not seem to want to be saved. In Oklahoma City, the
ruins of the federal building were still being explored for bodies.
In Boston, a lone gunman had just run through two abortion clinics
shooting whomever he could. The Berlin Wall was newly down. People
were confused at the nature of the new world we lived in, with the
anchor conflict of Communism against Democracy seemingly over.
I wrote the following response to Dale's note. The wars of words and
explosives were not over then, and are not over now. They have only
entered new phases.
Subject : Sticks, Stones, Bombs and Bullets From : Robert Butler To : Dale Meier CC: Peter Maranci
I read your piece on Drac and CAR-PG in the latest Interregnum.
It echoes a far to broad trend I've been noting. Pardon if I drift
off subjects and far afield.
In The Wild Hunt, one of my last pieces described the difference
between agricultural and industrial perspectives on truth and
authority. The agricultural civilizations were in general ruled by
dictator/kings. They ruled for life. There was no procedure for
removing them. Their powers were absolute, often derived from the
gods. Their power included censoring ideas they did not like, or
terminating individuals they opposed. War was cost effective.
Expansion by force of one's culture or religion was expected.
Intolerance of different ethnic groups was the norm.
The opposite - on the rare occasion when it is at it's best - is the
industrial civilization. The executive has limited terms in office,
and can be removed for abusing power. The chief executive's power is
limited by the purse being held by the independent legislative, and
the laws being interpreted by an independent judicial. Ideas are
supposed to be freely expressed. Individual can be tried for criminal
acts, but not political. Aggressor nations generally get stomped by
defensive alliances. Forcing one's culture or religion on an
unwilling other is considered impolite. While prejudice against
ethnic, religious, or gender groups is common, it is not backed by
law nor something to be proud of.
In recent years, the last bastion of agricultural civilization
capable of threatening the industrial alliance in open war failed
economically. I'm referring to the Soviet Union. World Peace has not
broken out. If anything, every little hatred hidden under the stress
of the cold war has been given an excuse to break free.
I see the key to many of these conflicts as echoes of the old
agricultural mind set. If I'm right, and you are wrong, it is
permissible and even morally required under agricultural ethics to
force my way of life on you. The opposing industrial theory is that
one should learn to live in peace with people who disagree with you.
People should have a right to seek their own life style, as long as
they are not harming others.
Drac vs. CAR-PG is not as extreme an example of Christian
Fundamentalist intolerance as the Waco cult, OKC, or the abortion
doctor murders. Drac also has the electronic media factor. It is
altogether too easy to be angry when communicating through a media
which doesn't convey emotions well.
While I believe in freedom of assembly and speech, it has become
clear of late that if there is a major issue, there will gather
people who stand firmly on each side of that issue. A radical
fraction of each group starts buying guns and preaching violence.
Radical factions of the radical fractions then go beyond talk.
While I greatly respect the teachings of Christ and the ability of
the computer networks to allow communications of sorts, Drac / Pierre
is a symptom of something much larger and *really* dangerous. Role
playing games are bad. Abortions are bad. Gun control advocates are
bad. The government is bad. God is on my side. Those who oppose me
must be of the devil. Any degree of coercion or force necessary to do
God's will is proper.
Pouring oil on troubled waters when a flame war breaks out in an APA
or news group may be all we can do. It isn't enough.
And yes, I know it is possible to love God without falling into the
above trap. In fact - at least to me - it takes a really perverted
reading of Christ's message to justify killing or even hating one's
neighbor. I can also see from the Angel's Brigade fiction piece, that
the idea of abuse of religious/temporal authority is not a new idea
to you. I think you were asking exactly the right question in your
'Sticks and Stones' piece. You may not have been asking it on a large
enough scale. And as for a grand scale answering of the question you
raised, that's beyond me.