Butler Family Tree

Mary Eastow

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
William Eastow 1594 Mary Moulton 1590


Partner Date of Birth Children
Thomas Marston 5/1617 Sarah Marston

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 6/8/1628 Ormesby, Norfolk, England
Death 12/13/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Thomas Marston Husband St Margaret, Norfolk, England 5/1617 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/28/1690
Brothers & Sisters
Sarah Eastow Sister Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1625 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/5/1686
Sarah Marston Daughter Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/20/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1698
Mary Moulton Mother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1590 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
William Eastow Father Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1594 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
Mary Dow Granddaughter Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Great grandchildren
Francis Jenness Great grandson Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Second grandchildren
Mary Jenness Second granddaughter Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Third grandchildren
Mercy Drake Third granddaughter North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Fourth grandchildren
John Lang Fourth grandson 1788
Francis Lang Fourth grandson 1789
Sergeant William Lang Fourth grandson Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Fifth grandchildren
Betsy W Lang Fifth granddaughter Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang Fifth grandson New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang Fifth grandson Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang Fifth granddaughter Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang Fifth grandson Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang Fifth grandson Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang Fifth granddaughter Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Melinda H Lang Fifth granddaughter Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/25/1832
Marcy Comfort Lang Fifth granddaughter Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
6th grandchildren
Betsy Hollis 6th granddaughter
John Hollis 6th grandson
Melinda Hollis 6th granddaughter
Nancy Hollis 6th granddaughter
Oliver Hollis 6th grandson
Rubin Hollis 6th grandson
William F Lang 6th grandson 9/12/1836
Ida H Lang 6th granddaughter 3/27/1853
Charles L Lang 6th grandson 9/12/1856
Alma Blanche Hollis 6th granddaughter North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 3/8/1860 Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA 12/29/1943
7th grandchildren
Alton Bassett Butler 7th grandson
Lawrence Alton Butler 7th grandson Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 8/9/1885 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 1946
Harold Bradford Butler 7th grandson Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 4/6/1890 Hanson, Massachusetts, USA 8/5/1953
George Eastow Grandfather St Margaret, Norfolk, England 1537 Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1608
Eastow Grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1569 England
Great grandparents
William Eastow Great grandfather St Margaret, Norfolk, England 1517 St Margaret, Norfolk, England 2/26/1589
Rose Hariot Great grandmother St Margaret, Norfolk, England 1530 St Margaret, Norfolk, England 7/16/1599
William Marston Father-in-law Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1590 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/30/1672
Sarah Goody Mother-in-law Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1595 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1651
Sons- & Daughters-In-Law
Simon Dow Son-in-law Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Morris Hobbs Brother-in-law Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1615 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/4/1706
Captain William Marston Jr. Brother-in-law Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1621
Prudence Marston Sister-in-law Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1622
Nephews & Nieces
Sarah Hobbs Niece Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1646 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/20/1714
Morris Hobbs Nephew Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/15/1652 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/6/1740
Hannah Swaine Niece-in-law Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/23/1658
Grandnephews & Grandnieces
Richard Jenness Grandnephew-in-law Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/8/1686 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1769
Abraham Drake Grandnephew Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/19/1688 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/13/1767
James Hobbs Grandnephew North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/16/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/16/1756
Great grandnephews & Great grandnieces
Elizabeth Drake Great grandniece Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Abraham Drake Great grandnephew Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Esther Hobbs Great grandniece Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Morris Hobbs Great grandnephew Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Second grandnephews & Second grandnieces
Theodate Page Second grandniece Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake Second grandnephew North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Comfort Hobbs Second grandniece North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Third grandnephews & Third grandnieces
Comfort Hobbs Third grandniece North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake Third grandniece North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Hannah Sarah Dearborn Third grandniece Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn Third grandnephew Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn Third grandnephew Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Fourth grandnephews & Fourth grandnieces
John Lang Fourth grandnephew 1788
Francis Lang Fourth grandnephew 1789
Sergeant William Lang Fourth grandnephew Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn Fourth grandniece Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn Fourth grandnephew Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn Fourth grandnephew Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Betsy W Lang Fourth grandniece Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang Fourth grandnephew New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang Fourth grandnephew Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang Fourth grandniece Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang Fourth grandnephew Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang Fourth grandnephew Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang Fourth grandniece Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Melinda H Lang Fourth grandniece Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/25/1832
Marcy Comfort Lang Fourth grandniece Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
Richard Jenness Grandson-in-law Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/8/1686 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1769


Date Age Event Category
Feb 15, 1564 - Jan 8, 1642 (-64.4) - 13.6 Life of Galileo Galilei Personalities
1618 - 1648 (-9.9) - 20.1 Thirty Years' War Wars & Military Conflicts
Dec 25, 1642 - Mar 20, 1726 14.6 - 97.8 Life of Isaac Newton Personalities
Nov 7, 1665 37.4 First issue of the London Gazette Companies
May 2, 1666 - Sep 5, 1666 37.9 - 38.3 Great Fire of London Great Britain
1682 54.1 German company lands at the Gold Coast Discoveries & Colonization
Mar 21, 1685 - Jul 28, 1750 56.8 - 122.2 Life of Johann Sebastian Bach Personalities
May 24, 1686 - Sep 16, 1736 58.0 - 108.3 Life of Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Personalities
Jan 18, 1689 - Feb 10, 1755 60.7 - 126.8 Life of Charles De Secondat, Baron de Montequieu Personalities
Feb 13, 1689 60.7 Adoption of the Bill of Rights Great Britain
Jun 12, 1690 62.1 Battle of the Boyne Great Britain
Jul 17, 1695 67.2 Establishment of the Bank of Scotland Companies
Jan 17, 1706 - Apr 17, 1790 77.7 - 162.0 Life of Benjamin Franklin Personalities