Butler Family Tree

Melinda H Lang

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Sergeant William Lang 5/16/1791 Hannah Sarah Dearborn 4/11/1794

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 10/25/1832 Stark, New Hampshire, USA

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Brothers & Sisters
Betsy W Lang Sister Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang Brother New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang Brother Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang Sister Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang Brother Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang Brother Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang Sister Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Marcy Comfort Lang Sister Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
Sergeant William Lang Father Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn Mother Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Lang Grandfather Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/12/1767 Limerick, Maine, USA 8/31/1843
Comfort Hobbs Grandmother North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake Grandmother North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Reuben Dearborn Grandfather Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 7/24/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 1/30/1835
Great grandparents
Morris Hobbs Great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Josiah Dearborn Great grandfather North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1733 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/29/1817
Theodate Page Great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Hannah Shepard Great grandmother Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, USA 12/29/1735 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/17/1783
Bickford Lang Great grandfather Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1738 1804
Abraham Drake Great grandfather North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Mary Jenness Great grandmother Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Martha Locke Great grandmother Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
Second great grandparents
Sarah Bickford Second great grandmother 1769
James Hobbs Second great grandfather North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/16/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/16/1756
Lucy Dow Second great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/26/1695 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/27/1755
John Lang Second great grandfather 1700 6/27/1774
Timothy Shepard Second great grandfather Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA 11/26/1706 Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, USA 12/21/1763
Mercy Barker Second great grandmother Rowley, Massachusetts, USA 7/3/1707 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1760
Reuben Dearborn Second great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/10/1707 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/25/1790
Jeremiah Page Second great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/28/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1786
Anna Page Second great grandmother North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/26/1711 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/1743
Elizabeth Drake Second great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Elijah Locke Second great grandfather Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1715 Chichester, New Hampsire, USA 1782
Francis Jenness Second great grandfather Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Abraham Drake Second great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins Second great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Abigail Dearborn Second great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/19/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/1/1811
Sarah Garland Second great grandmother Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/8/1721 1818
Third great grandparents
Grace Brookins Third great grandmother
Henry Bickford Third great grandfather Portsmouth, New Hampsire, USA
Sarah Swett Third great grandmother Newbury, Massachusetts, USA 11/7/1650 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/8/1717
Morris Hobbs Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/15/1652 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/6/1740
Esther Shaw Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/17/1666 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/25/1739
Samuel Dearborn Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/27/1670 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1746
Christopher Page Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/4/1751
Abigail Tilton Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/28/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/4/1759
Jabez Dow Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/8/1672
John Lang Third great grandfather 1673 5/22/1752
Samuel Dearborn Third great grandfather Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 5/27/1676 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 12/16/1748
Francis Page Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/14/1676 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/8/1755
Jacob Barker Third great grandfather Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1/14/1677 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1/27/1726
William Locke Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/17/1677 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/22/1768
Mercy Batchelder Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/11/1677 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/12/1694
Hannah Knowles Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/18/1678 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 9/12/1769
Hannah Nudd Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/23/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1751
Sarah Gove Third great grandmother Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/5/1678 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA Apr 1732
Margaret Tenney Third great grandmother Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/12/1681 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/26/1742
Richard Jenness Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/8/1686 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1769
Mary Dow Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Abraham Drake Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/19/1688 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/13/1767
Theodate Robie Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
John Garland Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/13/1692 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1741
Elizabeth Dearborn Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/31/1692 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/10/1770
Huldah Robie Third great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
James Perkins Third great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/9/1695 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/18/1774
Fourth great grandparents
Ann Williams Fourth great grandmother
Elizabeth Berry Fourth great grandmother 5/4/1708
John Knowles Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1705
Mary Carter Fourth great grandmother
Mary Walford Fourth great grandmother
Meribah Smith Fourth great grandmother
Thomas Nudd Fourth great grandfather England Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/31/1712
William Brookins Fourth great grandfather
Morris Hobbs Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1615 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/4/1706
Benjamin Swett Fourth great grandfather Newbury, Massachusetts, USA 5/12/1624 Black Point, Maine, USA 6/29/1677
Sarah Eastow Fourth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1625 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/5/1686
John Locke Fourth great grandfather Abt 1626 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/26/1696
Esther Weare Fourth great grandmother Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA 1629 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/16/1718
Edward Gove Fourth great grandfather London, England 1630 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/29/1691
Nathaniel Batchelder Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1630 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/17/1710
Henry Dearborn Fourth great grandfather Cum, Lincolnshire, England 1/10/1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/18/1725
Francis Page Fourth great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 12/2/1706
Francis Jenness Fourth great grandfather Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA 1634 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/27/1716
Henry Dow Fourth great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1634 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/6/1707
Thomas Dearborn Fourth great grandfather Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/28/1634 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/14/1710
Mary Hussey Fourth great grandmother Newbury, New Hampshire, USA 4/2/1638 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/21/1733
Thomas Page Fourth great grandfather Salem, Massachusetts, USA 9/1/1639
Jemima Austin Fourth great grandmother 1/24/1640
Hannah Page Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/6/1704
Benjamin Shaw Fourth great grandfather Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 7/1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/31/1717
Sarah Dearborn Fourth great grandmother Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/9/1641 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/21/1714
Hannah Partridge Fourth great grandmother Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 1/8/1642 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/12/1711
Hannah Colcord Fourth great grandmother Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1643 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/17/1720
Elizabeth Marion Fourth great grandmother Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 1644 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/6/1716
Nathaniel Barker Fourth great grandfather Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/15/1644 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/10/1722
Esther Richardson Fourth great grandmother Abt 1645 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/16/1736
Daniel Tilton Fourth great grandfather Lynn, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1646 Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, USA 2/10/1714
Sarah Hobbs Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1646 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/20/1714
Thomas Tenney Fourth great grandfather Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/16/1648 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/7/1730
Mary Fourth great grandmother Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1650 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 5/12/1727
Robert Lang Fourth great grandfather Portsmouth, New Hampsire, USA 1650 2/16/1715
Mehitable Sanborn Fourth great grandmother 1651
Abraham Drake Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/29/1654 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/29/1714
Hannah Swaine Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/23/1658
Margaret Hidden Fourth great grandmother Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/28/1659 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/7/1730
Samuel Robie Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/4/1659 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/10/1717
Peter Garland Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/25/1659 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1704
Humprey Perkins Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/17/1661 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/7/1711
Mary Page Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/21/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/5/1750
Sarah Marston Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/20/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1698
John Dearborn Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/10/1666 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/22/1750
Martha Moulton Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/16/1666
Simon Dow Fourth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Abigail Batchelder Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/28/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1736
Sarah Taylor Fourth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1668 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/19/1714
Fifth great grandparents
Ann Fifth great grandmother Abt 1650
Francis Austin Fifth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/13/1642
Jane Fifth great grandmother
Jane Fifth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/25/1675
Lydia Taylor Fifth great grandmother
Mary Carter Fifth great grandmother
Mary Moulton Fifth great grandmother England Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/18/1692
Susannah Morreal Fifth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/28/1654
Thomas Walford Fifth great grandfather
William Berry Fifth great grandfather Rye, New Hampshire, USA 6/28/1654
John Sweet Fifth great grandfather Modbury, Devon, England 1579 Providence, Rhode Island, USA 1637
Mary Periam Fifth great grandmother Modbury, Devon, England 1581 Warwick, Rhode Island, USA 7/31/1681
William Tilton Fifth great grandfather England 3/1/1586 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/1/1653
Mary Moulton Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1590 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
William Eastow Fifth great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1594 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
Theodate Bachiler Fifth great grandmother Wherwell, Hampshire, England 1596 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/20/1649
Christopher Hussey Fifth great grandfather Dorking, Surrey, England 2/18/1599 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/6/1686
Roger Shaw Fifth great grandfather England Abt 1600 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/29/1661
Nathaniel Weare Fifth great grandfather Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA 1602 Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA 3/1/1681
Godfrey Dearborn Fifth great grandfather Exeter, Devon, England 9/24/1603 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/4/1686
John Gove Fifth great grandfather St Giles, London, England 1604 Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA 2/28/1648
Robert Page Fifth great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1604 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1679
Mary Shard Fifth great grandmother Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England, Great Britain 10/21/1604 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/4/1682
Lucy Ward Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 3/13/1605 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/12/1665
Ann Goody Fifth great grandmother Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 1605 Hannah, Lincolnshire, England 1662
Sarah Fifth great grandmother Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA 1606 Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA 1682
Henry Dow Fifth great grandfather Runham, Norfolk, England 10/6/1606 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/21/1659
Joan Nudd Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1607 Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 6/20/1640
Ann Page Fifth great grandmother Ormsby, Norfolk, England 1/26/1609 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1/24/1689
Abraham Perkins Fifth great grandfather England Abt 1613 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/31/1683
Grace Clarke Fifth great grandmother Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1613 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/27/1665
Thomas Tenney Fifth great grandfather Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1614 Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 9/20/1700
Edward Colcord Fifth great grandfather Bovey Tracy, Devon, England 1615 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/10/1682
Morris Hobbs Fifth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1615 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/4/1706
William Partridge Fifth great grandfather Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 1615 Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 7/5/1654
Ann Mighill Fifth great grandmother Rowley, Yorkshire, England 1616 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 9/26/1657
Thomas Marston Fifth great grandfather St Margaret, Norfolk, England 5/1617 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/28/1690
Isabel Bland Fifth great grandmother Abt 1617 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/19/1698
Henry Robie Fifth great grandfather Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England 2/12/1618 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/22/1688
Ann Gerrish Fifth great grandmother Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 1618 Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 7/10/1689
James Barker Fifth great grandfather Low, Suffolk, England 1618 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 9/5/1678
Mary Wyeth Fifth great grandmother England Abt 1618 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/29/1706
William Swaine Fifth great grandfather Berkshire, England Bef 4/10/1619 At Sea Aft 10/20/1657
John Marion Fifth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1619 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1/7/1705
Ruth Moore Fifth great grandmother Exeter, New Hampshire, USA 1621 Exeter, New Hampshire, USA 5/5/1673
Andrew Hidden Fifth great grandfather England 1622 Rowley, Massachusetts, USA 2/18/1702
Prudence Marston Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1622
William Sanborn Fifth great grandfather Abt 1622 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/18/1692
Sarah Eastow Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1625 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/5/1686
Sarah Houstin Fifth great grandmother Rowley, Massachusetts, USA 1626 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/19/1729
Mary Eastow Fifth great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 6/8/1628 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/13/1708
Nathaniel Batchelder Fifth great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1630 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/17/1710
Abraham Drake Fifth great grandfather Essex, England Bef 1632 1/14/1708
Sarah Eddy Fifth great grandmother Cranbrook, Kent, England 10/29/1632 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1/26/1671
Henry Dearborn Fifth great grandfather Cum, Lincolnshire, England 1/10/1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/18/1725
Henry Dow Fifth great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1634 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/6/1707
John "The Giant" Moulton Fifth great grandfather Bef 3/17/1638 1705
Mary Hussey Fifth great grandmother Newbury, New Hampshire, USA 4/2/1638 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/21/1733
Thomas Page Fifth great grandfather Salem, Massachusetts, USA 9/1/1639
Hannah Page Fifth great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/6/1704
Elizabeth Marion Fifth great grandmother Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 1644 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/6/1716
6th great grandparents
Alice 6th great grandmother
Ann Batchelder 6th great grandmother
Humphrey Wyeth 6th great grandfather England Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA Bef 3/1638
Isaac Perkins 6th great grandfather Aft 1639
Joan 6th great grandmother
John Nudd 6th great grandfather
John Sanborn 6th great grandfather England England
Phillipa 6th great grandmother Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1683
George Eastow 6th great grandfather St Margaret, Norfolk, England 1537 Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1608
John Hussey 6th great grandfather Dorking, Surrey, England 4/29/1559 Dorking, Surrey, England 2/5/1638
Elizabeth Focell 6th great grandmother Abt 1560 Wolston, Warwickshire, England 11/4/1620
Robert Tilton 6th great grandfather Wolston, Warwickshire, England Abt 1560 8/7/1642
Stephen Bachiler 6th great grandfather Wherwell, Hampshire, England 6/23/1561 Hackney, Middlesex, England 1660
Ann Bate 6th great grandmother Wherwell, Hampshire, England 1561 Wherwell, Hampshire, England 1621
William Dearborn 6th great grandfather Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 1562 Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 11/5/1631
Francis Tenney 6th great grandfather Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1564 Brigham, Yorkshire, England 3/10/1626
Guy Westcott 6th great grandfather Marwood Parish, Devenshire, England 4/1566 Marwood Parish, Devenshire, England 1591
Jane Tenney 6th great grandmother Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1568 Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1619
Eastow 6th great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1569 England
Margaret Goodwin 6th great grandmother Ranworth, Norfolk, England 4/23/1570 Ormesby, Norfolk, England 4/11/1637
Mary Stukely 6th great grandmother Marwood, Devon, England 4/1570 Marwood, Devon, England 1591
Malename Gove 6th great grandfather London, London, England 1570 1607
Mary Wood 6th great grandmother Dorking, Surrey, England 1570 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/16/1660
John Bland 6th great grandfather Colchester, Essex, England Abt 1572 11/2/1663
Elizabeth March 6th great grandmother Runham, Norfolk, England 1/15/1573 Runham Parish, Norfolk, England 1641
Agnes Hay 6th great grandmother Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 1573 Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 8/29/1613
Frances (Partridge) 6th great grandmother Olney, Buckinghamshire, England 1575 Olney, Buckinghamshire, England 1647
Mary Sales 6th great grandmother St Giles, London, England 1575 3/4/1681
Thomas Robye 6th great grandfather Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England 4/20/1576 Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England 3/27/1653
Henry Dow 6th great grandfather Runham, Norfolk, England 1577 Runham, Norfolk, England 4/21/1613
Robert Page 6th great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1577 Ormesby, Norfolk, England 7/16/1617
Nathaniel Barker 6th great grandfather Low, Suffolk, England Aug 1577 Low, Suffolk, England 2/23/1612
John Partridge 6th great grandfather Olney, Buckinghamshire, England 1578 Olney, Buckinghamshire, England 1652
Isabel Drake 6th great grandmother Abt 1579 10/13/1639
Francis Warde 6th great grandfather Filby, Norfolk, England 10/25/1579 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England 1648
Susanna Browne 6th great grandmother Filby, Norfolk, England 10/25/1579 Filby, Norfolk, England 8/23/1627
Elizabeth Gifford 6th great grandmother England 1580 London, Middlesex, England 10/20/1637
Joan Sparhalke 6th great grandmother Low, Suffolk, England 1581 11/3/1606
Robert Drake Sr. 6th great grandfather Halstead, Essex, England 7/23/1581 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/14/1667
Isaac Marion 6th great grandfather Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 1583 Stebbins, Essex, England 1648
Humphrey Shard 6th great grandfather Norfolk, England 1585 Norfork, New Hampshire, United States 1638
Margaret Bordun 6th great grandmother Moreton Hampstead, Devon, England 1585 Bovey Tracy, Devon, England 1618
Mary Coxon 6th great grandmother Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England 4/20/1586 Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England 4/26/1641
Mary Moulton 6th great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1590 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
Richard Colcord 6th great grandfather Bovey Tracy, Devon, England 1590 Dovey Tracy, Devon, England 1620
Unknown 6th great grandmother Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 1590
William Marston 6th great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1590 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/30/1672
William Eastow 6th great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1594 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/23/1655
Sarah Goody 6th great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1595 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1651
Theodate Bachiler 6th great grandmother Wherwell, Hampshire, England 1596 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/20/1649
Susan Pakeman 6th great grandmother England Bef 3/9/1597
John Eddy 6th great grandfather Cranbrook, Kent, England 3/27/1597 Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA 10/12/1684
Amy Doggett 6th great grandmother Groton, Suffolk, England 7/16/1597 Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA 8/20/1683
Christopher Hussey 6th great grandfather Dorking, Surrey, England 2/18/1599 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/6/1686
John Moulton 6th great grandfather England Abt 1599 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1650
William Moore 6th great grandfather Exeter, New Hampshire, USA 1599 Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA 5/21/1671
Anne Green 6th great grandmother Abt 1600 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1668
Mrs More 6th great grandmother Exeter, New Hampshire, USA 1603 1660
Godfrey Dearborn 6th great grandfather Exeter, Devon, England 9/24/1603 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/4/1686
Robert Page 6th great grandfather Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1604 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1679
Lucy Ward 6th great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 3/13/1605 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/12/1665
Ann Goody 6th great grandmother Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England 1605 Hannah, Lincolnshire, England 1662
Jeremiah Clarke 6th great grandfather England, Newport, Rhode Island, United States 12/1/1605 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States 1/11/1651
Henry Dow 6th great grandfather Runham, Norfolk, England 10/6/1606 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/21/1659
Anthony Taylor 6th great grandfather Abt 1607 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/4/1687
Joan Nudd 6th great grandmother Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1607 Watertown, Massachusetts, USA 6/20/1640
Frances Latham 6th great grandmother Kempston, Bedfordshire, England 2/15/1609 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States 9/2/1677
John Marion 6th great grandfather Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1619 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1/7/1705
Sarah Eddy 6th great grandmother Cranbrook, Kent, England 10/29/1632 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1/26/1671
James Robert Greene 6th great grandfather Spencer, Indiana, United States 12/3/1924 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, United States Oct 1996
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Luther Hayden Hollis Brother-in-law Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 4/18/1836 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 2/24/1901
Abigail D Hall Sister-in-law Rumford, Maine, USA 7/19/1842
Nephews & Nieces
Betsy Hollis Niece
John Hollis Nephew
Melinda Hollis Niece
Nancy Hollis Niece
Oliver Hollis Nephew
Rubin Hollis Nephew
William F Lang Nephew 9/12/1836
Ida H Lang Niece 3/27/1853
Charles L Lang Nephew 9/12/1856
Alma Blanche Hollis Niece North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 3/8/1860 Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA 12/29/1943
Grandnephews & Grandnieces
Alton Bassett Butler Grandnephew
Lawrence Alton Butler Grandnephew Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 8/9/1885 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 1946
Harold Bradford Butler Grandnephew Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 4/6/1890 Hanson, Massachusetts, USA 8/5/1953
Great grandnephews & Great grandnieces
Bill Butler Great grandnephew
Elva May Butler Great grandniece Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 7/3/1907
Atta V Butler Great grandniece Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 1909
Robert Webster Butler Sr. Great grandnephew Brockton Hospital, Massachusetts, USA 5/27/1918 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 6/11/2004
Barbara Butler
Alma Butler
Mabel Helena Butler
Second grandnephews & Second grandnieces
William Albert Frizzle
Patricia Sipes
Douglas Sipes
James Sipes
Denis Randall
Kathleen Randall
Sally Elizabeth Butler
Robert Webster Butler Jr
Corinne Ann Butler
Karen Randall
Third grandnephews & Third grandnieces
Eric Sipes Third grandnephew
Jessie Sipes Third grandniece
Tracy Marie Oyres
Jonathan Sipes
Jason Randall
Michael Thomas Long
Jeremy Matthew Randall
Douglas Martin Dremann
Samantha Kiss
Marianne Corinne Long
Christopher Dremann
Sara Kiss
Fourth grandnephews & Fourth grandnieces
Katelyn Julia Long
Alena M Randall Fourth grandniece 5/8/2010 5/8/2010
Phillip D Randall Fourth grandnephew 5/8/2010 5/8/2010
Kirsten Moss
Ashton Sipes
Paige Ellen Randall
Sofia Long
Alice Lynn Randall
Grant Ian Randall
Uncles & Aunts
John Lang Uncle 1788
Francis Lang Uncle 1789
John Washington Dearborn Uncle Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn Uncle Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Great great (uncles & aunts)
George Lang Great great uncle
John Lang Great great uncle
Thomas Lang Great great uncle
William Lang Great great uncle
Esther Hobbs Great great aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Sarah Dearborn Great great aunt North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/16/1735 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/3/1741
Reuben Dearborn Great great uncle North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/29/1738
Curtis Dearborn Great great uncle North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/21/1741 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/3/1741
3xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Sarah Barker 3xGreat aunt
Anna Dearborn 3xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/18/1699 North Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/9/1789
Edward Dearborn 3xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Patience Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/23/1702 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1/24/1703
Thomas Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1704
Margaret Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/15/1705 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1/9/1725
Elizabeth Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/12/1709 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/20/1725
Hannah Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/28/1711 3/8/1738
Joseph Barker 3xGreat uncle 1/3/1713 8/3/1783
Jacob Barker 3xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/1/1713 New Brunswick, Canada 3/8/1783
Elizabeth Drake 3xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Thomas Barker 3xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 5/15/1715 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6/5/1737
Abraham Drake 3xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Joseph Barker 3xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/11/1717
Nathaniel Barker 3xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/8/1720
Mary Barker 3xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA May 1722 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/5/1737
4xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Sarah Hobbs 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1646 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/20/1714
Edward Locke 4xGreat uncle Abt 1655 Abt 1696
John Nudd 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/11/1661 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/22/1661
John Gove 4xGreat uncle Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 9/19/1661 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/15/1737
William Gove 4xGreat uncle Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 10/21/1662 Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 3/1/1663
Sarah Nudd 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/23/1663 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/4/1644
Hannah Gove 4xGreat aunt Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 3/5/1664 New Bristol, Indiana, United States 1716
Mary Page 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/21/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/5/1750
James Nudd 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/20/1668
Mary Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/4/1666 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1722
John Dearborn 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/10/1666 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/22/1750
Simon Dow 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Abigail Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/23/1667 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/23/1667
Abigail Batchelder 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/28/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1736
Thomas Nudd 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/15/1668 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/1/1669
Peneul Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/10/1668 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/1/1671
Samuel Page 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/3/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1754
Abigail Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/17/1670 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/8/1751
Samuel Nudd 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/13/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/26/1748
Ebenezer Gove 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 6/23/1671 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/16/1758
Elizabeth Barker 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 5/5/1672 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/21/1722
Lucy Page 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1672
Mary Nudd 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/1/1673 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/8/1683
Edward Gove 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/13/1673 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/12/1675
Nathan Barker 4xGreat uncle 8/16/1674 1675
Jeremiah Gove 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/13/1674 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9/9/1692
Susanna Page 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/20/1674
Rachael Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1/29/1676 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/2/1676
Ann Gove 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1/9/1677 Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/12/1723
Meribah Page 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/17/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1723
Mary Barker 4xGreat aunt 7/11/1679 1680
Ebenezer Dearborn 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/3/1679 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/15/1772
Thomas Dearborn 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1681 Biddeford, Yorkshire, Maine, United States 2/1/1749
Johanna Barker 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/20/1681 1682
Rebecca Page 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1681 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/30/1759
Ann Tenney 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/26/1683 8/26/1683
Mercy Barker 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/20/1684 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/10/1775
Sarah Tenney 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 5/24/1685 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA May 1720
Elizabeth Dearborn 4xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1685 4/5/1756
James Barker 4xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/14/1686 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/16/1764
Jonathan Dearborn 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/18/1686 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9/10/1771
Joseph Page 4xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/25/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/5/1773
Hannah Tenney 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1/27/1689 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/23/1779
Nathaniel Gove 4xGreat uncle 8/27/1689
Theodate Robie 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
Nathaniel Barker 4xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6/6/1692 Windham, Windham, Connecticut, United States 8/27/1727
Samuel Tenney 4xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/21/1692 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/6/1747
Huldah Robie 4xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Ruth Tenney 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/26/1695 2/11/1721
Mehitable Tenney 4xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/29/1699 Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA 24 1737
Edward Dearborn 4xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
5xGreat (uncles & aunts)
James Barker 5xGreat uncle 1748
Joseph Shaw 5xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/8/1720
Susanna Page 5xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England
James Barker 5xGreat uncle Harwich, Essex, England 1617 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States 1702
Howard Tenney 5xGreat uncle Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 1624
Mary Eastow 5xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England 6/8/1628 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/13/1708
Margaret Page 5xGreat aunt England Abt 1630 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/13/1699
John Gove 5xGreat uncle St Botolphs, London, England 3/25/1632 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 12/24/1704
Henry Dearborn 5xGreat uncle Cum, Lincolnshire, England 1/10/1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/18/1725
Francis Page 5xGreat uncle Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 12/2/1706
Humphrey Gove 5xGreat uncle St Botolphs, London, England 3/30/1634 St Pauls Church, London, England 11/27/1634
Thomas Dearborn 5xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/28/1634 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/14/1710
Barzillai Barker 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1635 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/16/1694
John Partridge 5xGreat uncle Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 9/11/1637 Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/16/1722
Esther Dearborn 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1638 Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/14/1731
Rebecca Page 5xGreat aunt Abt 1639 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/27/1673
Thomas Page 5xGreat uncle Salem, Massachusetts, USA 9/1/1639
Jonathan Colcord 5xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1640 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/31/1661
John Tenney 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/14/1640 Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 4/13/1722
Elizabeth Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1641 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1675
Hannah Page 5xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/6/1704
Mary Gove 5xGreat aunt St Botolphs, London, England 9/19/1641 Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States 1729
Sarah Dearborn 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/9/1641 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/21/1714
Elizabeth Partridge 5xGreat aunt Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 2/14/1642 Hampton Falls, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1678
Hannah Tenney 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/15/1642 Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA Apr 1723
Howard Tenney 5xGreat uncle 1642
John Dearborn 5xGreat uncle Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/12/1642 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/14/1731
Mercy Tenney 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6/17/1644 Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 8/15/1716
Mary Page 5xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Abt 1644 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1699
Rachel Gove 5xGreat aunt St Botolophs, Without, Aldgate, England 11/3/1644 Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States 1729
Nehemiah Partridge 5xGreat uncle Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 5/5/1645 Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States Feb 1690
Eunice Barker 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/11/1646 Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 1718
Sarah Colcord 5xGreat aunt 1646
Benjamin Gove 5xGreat uncle St Botolophs, Without, Aldgate, England 7/4/1647
Mercy Parrat 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/15/1647 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 11/27/1667
Sarah Partridge 5xGreat aunt Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 8/24/1647 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/21/1718
Elizabeth Mansfield 5xGreat aunt Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA 1648 1656
Henry Barker 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1648 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/12/1653
John Mansfield 5xGreat uncle Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA 1648 Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, United States 5/15/1726
Mary Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/4/1649 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/23/1741
Grace Barker 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/1/1650 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/19/1724
Rachel Partridge 5xGreat aunt Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA 6/19/1650 Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA
Jane Tenney 5xGreat aunt 1650
Morris Hobbs 5xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/15/1652 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/6/1740
Edward Colcord 5xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/2/1652 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 6/13/1677
Sarah Tenney 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/15/1652 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/10/1653
Tamar Barker 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/13/1652 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/15/1652
William Partridge 5xGreat uncle Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA Aug 1654 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 1/3/1727
Ann Tenney 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 9/8/1654 4/18/1674
Margaret Tenney 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1655
Tarner Barker 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1655
Andrew Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA Sep 1655 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA Nov 1655
Samuel Colcord 5xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1656 Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/5/1736
John Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/16/1657 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States 3/29/1695
Samuel Tenney 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA Sep 1657 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 1668
Mehitable Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1658 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1758
Sarah Tenney 5xGreat aunt 1659
Shuah Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 6/12/1660 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1696
Sarah Hidden 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/1/1661 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 4/15/1751
Deborah Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/21/1664 Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1695
Elizabeth Hidden 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 12/19/1665 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 2/7/1743
Abigail Colcord 5xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/23/1667 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1668
Ann Hidden 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6/22/1668 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 6/24/1748
Mary Hidden 5xGreat aunt Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/21/1669 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 9/30/1669
Samuel Dearborn 5xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/27/1670 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1746
Andrew Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 8/26/1670 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/18/1671
Christopher Page 5xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/4/1751
Joseph Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/28/1671 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 10/18/1671
Jabez Dow 5xGreat uncle Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/8/1672
Samuel Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/16/1673 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/28/1717
Ebenezer Hidden 5xGreat uncle Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 3/7/1675 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA 7/7/1748
Mercy Batchelder 5xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/11/1677 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/12/1694
Mary Partridge 5xGreat aunt Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/19/1685 Boston, Massachusetts, USA 10/6/1736
6xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Mary Moulton 6xGreat aunt England Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/18/1692
Susanna Page 6xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England
John Tenney 6xGreat uncle Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1590 3/10/1625
Isabel Tenney 6xGreat aunt Europe, Fayette, Georgia, United States 2/14/1595 Europe, Fayette, Georgia, United States 10/21/1609
Francis Tenney 6xGreat aunt Brigham, Yorkshire, England 1596 11/2/1626
Jane Tenney 6xGreat aunt Frailthorp, Yorkshire, England 1600 11/23/1612
William Tenney 6xGreat uncle Frailthorp, Yorkshire, England 1602 8/5/1685
Ann Tenney 6xGreat aunt Frailthorp, Yorkshire, England 1604 3/6/1623
Joan Tenney 6xGreat aunt North Benton, Yorkshire, England 1604
Robert Page 6xGreat uncle Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1604 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1679
Ann Page 6xGreat aunt Ormsby, Norfolk, England 1/26/1609 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1/24/1689
Isabel Tenney 6xGreat aunt North Burton, Yorkshire, England 10/21/1609 Yorkshire, England 10/21/1610
Thomas Marston 6xGreat uncle St Margaret, Norfolk, England 5/1617 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/28/1690
Captain William Marston Jr. 6xGreat uncle Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1621
Prudence Marston 6xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1622
Sarah Eastow 6xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England 1625 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/5/1686
Mary Eastow 6xGreat aunt Ormesby, Norfolk, England 6/8/1628 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/13/1708
Margaret Page 6xGreat aunt England Abt 1630 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/13/1699
Francis Page 6xGreat uncle Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 12/2/1706
Thomas Dearborn 6xGreat uncle Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/28/1634 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4/14/1710
John "The Giant" Moulton 6xGreat uncle Bef 3/17/1638 1705
Esther Dearborn 6xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1638 Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/14/1731
Frances Clarke 6xGreat aunt Warwick, Kent, Rhode Island, United States 1638 Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States 9/27/1690
Walter Clarke 6xGreat uncle Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 12/1/1638 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 5/23/1714
Rebecca Page 6xGreat aunt Abt 1639 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/27/1673
Thomas Page 6xGreat uncle Salem, Massachusetts, USA 9/1/1639
Mary Latham Clarke 6xGreat aunt Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 3/12/1640 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 4/7/1711
Nancy Clarke 6xGreat aunt England 1640 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1735
Samuel Clarke 6xGreat uncle 1640
Hannah Page 6xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/6/1704
Sarah Dearborn 6xGreat aunt Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/9/1641 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/21/1714
John Dearborn 6xGreat uncle Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/12/1642 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/14/1731
Jeremiah Clarke 6xGreat uncle Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1643 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1/16/1729
Mary Page 6xGreat aunt Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Abt 1644 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1699
Lathem Clarke 6xGreat uncle Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1645 Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 8/1/1719
Weston Clarke 6xGreat uncle Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 4/5/1648 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1/16/1729
Sarah Clarke 6xGreat aunt Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1651 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1706
Fourth cousins
Betsy W Lang Fourth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang Fourth cousin (m) New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang Fourth cousin (m) Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang Fourth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang Fourth cousin (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang Fourth cousin (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang Fourth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Marcy Comfort Lang Fourth cousin (f) Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
Fifth cousins
John Lang Fifth cousin (m) 1788
Francis Lang Fifth cousin (m) 1789
Sergeant William Lang Fifth cousin (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn Fifth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn Fifth cousin (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn Fifth cousin (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Betsy W Lang Fifth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang Fifth cousin (m) New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang Fifth cousin (m) Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang Fifth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang Fifth cousin (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang Fifth cousin (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang Fifth cousin (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Marcy Comfort Lang Fifth cousin (f) Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
Charles Phillip Ingalls Fifth cousin (m) 1836 1902
1st cousins 3 times removed up
Theodate Page 1st cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 1st cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
1st cousins 4 times removed up
Mary Dow 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Abraham Drake 1st cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/19/1688 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/13/1767
Theodate Robie 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
Elizabeth Dearborn 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/31/1692 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/10/1770
Huldah Robie 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Thomas Locke 1st cousin 4 times removed up (m) 1713
Elizabeth Drake 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Abraham Drake 1st cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins 1st cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
1st cousins 5 times removed up
John Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/11/1661 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/22/1661
Sarah Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/23/1663 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/4/1644
Mary Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/21/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/5/1750
Sarah Marston 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/20/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1698
James Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/20/1668
John Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/10/1666 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/22/1750
Simon Dow 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Thomas Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/15/1668 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/1/1669
Samuel Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/27/1670 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1746
Samuel Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/3/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1754
Samuel Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/13/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/26/1748
Christopher Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/4/1751
Jabez Dow 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/8/1672
Lucy Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1672
Josiah Shaw 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/13/1673 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/10/1700
Mary Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/1/1673 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/8/1683
Susanna Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/20/1674
Samuel Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 5/27/1676 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 12/16/1748
Francis Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/14/1676 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/8/1755
Meribah Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/17/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1723
Hannah Nudd 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/23/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1751
Ebenezer Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/3/1679 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/15/1772
Thomas Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1681 Biddeford, Yorkshire, Maine, United States 2/1/1749
Rebecca Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1681 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/30/1759
Elizabeth Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1685 4/5/1756
Jonathan Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/18/1686 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9/10/1771
Joseph Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/25/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/5/1773
James Hobbs 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/16/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/16/1756
Lucy Dow 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/26/1695 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/27/1755
Edward Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Jeremiah Page 1st cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/28/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1786
Abigail Dearborn 1st cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/19/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/1/1811
1st cousins 6 times removed up
Susanna Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Ormesby, Norfolk, England
Margaret Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) England Abt 1630 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/13/1699
Francis Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Ormesby, Norfolk, England Abt 1633 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 12/2/1706
Rebecca Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Abt 1639 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/27/1673
Thomas Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Salem, Massachusetts, USA 9/1/1639
Jonathan Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1640 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/31/1661
Elizabeth Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1641 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1675
Hannah Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1641 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/6/1704
Hannah Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1643 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/17/1720
Mary Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Abt 1644 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1699
Sarah Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) 1646
Sarah Hobbs 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1646 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/20/1714
Mary Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/4/1649 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/23/1741
Mehitable Sanborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) 1651
Morris Hobbs 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/15/1652 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/6/1740
Edward Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2/2/1652 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 6/13/1677
Samuel Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1656 Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/5/1736
Mehitable Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1658 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1758
Hannah Swaine 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/23/1658
Shuah Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 6/12/1660 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States 1696
John Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/11/1661 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/22/1661
Sarah Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/23/1663 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/4/1644
Deborah Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/21/1664 Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1695
Mary Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/21/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/5/1750
Sarah Marston 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/20/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/8/1698
James Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/20/1668
Martha Moulton 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/16/1666
Simon Dow 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Abigail Colcord 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 7/23/1667 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1668
Thomas Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/15/1668 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/1/1669
Samuel Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/3/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1754
Samuel Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/13/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/26/1748
Christopher Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/4/1751
Jabez Dow 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/8/1672
Lucy Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1672
Mary Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/1/1673 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/8/1683
Susanna Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/20/1674
Samuel Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 5/27/1676 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 12/16/1748
Francis Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/14/1676 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/8/1755
Meribah Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/17/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1723
Hannah Nudd 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/23/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1751
Ebenezer Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/3/1679 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/15/1772
Thomas Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1681 Biddeford, Yorkshire, Maine, United States 2/1/1749
Rebecca Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1681 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/30/1759
Elizabeth Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1685 4/5/1756
Jonathan Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/18/1686 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9/10/1771
Joseph Page 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/25/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/5/1773
Edward Dearborn 1st cousin 6 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
2nd cousins twice removed up
Comfort Hobbs 2nd cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 2nd cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
2nd cousins 3 times removed up
Elizabeth Drake 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Francis Jenness 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Abraham Drake 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Sarah Garland 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/8/1721 1818
Theodate Page 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Martha Locke 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
Martha Jane Locke 2nd cousin 3 times removed up (f) 1753 1785
2nd cousins 4 times removed up
Mary Dow 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Theodate Robie 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
Elizabeth Dearborn 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/31/1692 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/10/1770
Huldah Robie 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Lucy Dow 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/26/1695 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/27/1755
Anna Dearborn 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/18/1699 North Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/9/1789
Edward Dearborn 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Reuben Dearborn 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/10/1707 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/25/1790
Jeremiah Page 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/28/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1786
Anna Page 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/26/1711 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/1743
Esther Hobbs 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Abigail Dearborn 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/19/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/1/1811
Morris Hobbs 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Theodate Page 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 2nd cousin 4 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
2nd cousins 5 times removed up
Mary Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/21/1665 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/5/1750
Simon Dow 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1667 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/2/1707
Samuel Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/3/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1754
Christopher Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/20/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/4/1751
Abigail Tilton 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/28/1670 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/4/1759
Jabez Dow 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/8/1672
Lucy Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/22/1672
Susanna Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/20/1674
Samuel Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 5/27/1676 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA 12/16/1748
Francis Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/14/1676 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/8/1755
Meribah Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/17/1678 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/14/1723
Ebenezer Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/3/1679 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3/15/1772
Thomas Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1681 Biddeford, Yorkshire, Maine, United States 2/1/1749
Rebecca Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/24/1681 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/30/1759
Elizabeth Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 1685 4/5/1756
Richard Jenness 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/8/1686 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1769
Mary Dow 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Jonathan Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 11/18/1686 Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9/10/1771
Joseph Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/25/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/5/1773
Abraham Drake 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/19/1688 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/13/1767
James Hobbs 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/16/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/16/1756
Theodate Robie 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
Huldah Robie 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
James Perkins 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/9/1695 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/18/1774
Lucy Dow 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/26/1695 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/27/1755
Anna Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/18/1699 North Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/9/1789
Edward Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Edward Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Reuben Dearborn 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/10/1707 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/25/1790
Jeremiah Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/28/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1786
Anna Page 2nd cousin 5 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/26/1711 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/1743
3rd cousins once removed up
John Lang 3rd cousin once removed up (m) 1788
Francis Lang 3rd cousin once removed up (m) 1789
Sergeant William Lang 3rd cousin once removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn 3rd cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn 3rd cousin once removed up (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn 3rd cousin once removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
3rd cousins twice removed up
Theodate Page 3rd cousin twice removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 3rd cousin twice removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Mary Jenness 3rd cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Martha Locke 3rd cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
John Lang 3rd cousin twice removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/12/1767 Limerick, Maine, USA 8/31/1843
Comfort Hobbs 3rd cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 3rd cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Samuel Ingalls 3rd cousin twice removed up (m) 1771 1841
3rd cousins 3 times removed up
Elizabeth Drake 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Francis Jenness 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Abraham Drake 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Esther Hobbs 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Sarah Garland 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/8/1721 1818
Morris Hobbs 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Josiah Dearborn 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1733 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/29/1817
Theodate Page 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Sarah Dearborn 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/16/1735 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/3/1741
Reuben Dearborn 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/29/1738
Curtis Dearborn 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/21/1741 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/3/1741
Abraham Drake 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Comfort Hobbs 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 3rd cousin 3 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
3rd cousins 4 times removed up
Mary Dow 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 11/9/1686 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/2/1755
Theodate Robie 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/5/1691 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/12/1783
Huldah Robie 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/4/1694 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Lucy Dow 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/26/1695 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/27/1755
Anna Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 12/18/1699 North Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 10/9/1789
Edward Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 5/26/1702 Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 8/2/1746
Reuben Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/10/1707 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/25/1790
Jeremiah Page 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 3/28/1708 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1786
Anna Page 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/26/1711 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 9/1743
Elizabeth Drake 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Francis Jenness 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Abraham Drake 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Esther Hobbs 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Morris Hobbs 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Josiah Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1733 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/29/1817
Theodate Page 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Sarah Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/16/1735 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/3/1741
Reuben Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/29/1738
Curtis Dearborn 3rd cousin 4 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/21/1741 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/3/1741
4th cousins once removed up
John Lang 4th cousin once removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/12/1767 Limerick, Maine, USA 8/31/1843
Comfort Hobbs 4th cousin once removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 4th cousin once removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
John Lang 4th cousin once removed up (m) 1788
Francis Lang 4th cousin once removed up (m) 1789
Sergeant William Lang 4th cousin once removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn 4th cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn 4th cousin once removed up (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn 4th cousin once removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Lansford Whiting Ingalls 4th cousin once removed up (m) 1812 1896
4th cousins twice removed up
Theodate Page 4th cousin twice removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 4th cousin twice removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Mary Jenness 4th cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Martha Locke 4th cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
Comfort Hobbs 4th cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 4th cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Reuben Dearborn 4th cousin twice removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 7/24/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 1/30/1835
John Lang 4th cousin twice removed up (m) 1788
Francis Lang 4th cousin twice removed up (m) 1789
Sergeant William Lang 4th cousin twice removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn 4th cousin twice removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn 4th cousin twice removed up (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn 4th cousin twice removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
4th cousins 3 times removed up
Elizabeth Drake 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/28/1715
Francis Jenness 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/1/1715 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/20/1784
Abraham Drake 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/4/1715 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 8/1/1781
Huldah Perkins 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/23/1718 Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/7/1774
Esther Hobbs 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1720 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/24/1798
Morris Hobbs 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 6/27/1730 6/20/1810
Josiah Dearborn 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/18/1733 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/29/1817
Theodate Page 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Sarah Dearborn 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/16/1735 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 9/3/1741
Reuben Dearborn 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 7/29/1738
Curtis Dearborn 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA Bef 11/21/1741 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 12/3/1741
Abraham Drake 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Mary Jenness 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Martha Locke 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
Comfort Hobbs 4th cousin 3 times removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Reuben Dearborn 4th cousin 3 times removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 7/24/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 1/30/1835
5th cousins once removed up
John Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/12/1767 Limerick, Maine, USA 8/31/1843
Comfort Hobbs 5th cousin once removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 5th cousin once removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
John Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) 1788
Francis Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) 1789
Sergeant William Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 5/16/1791 Greene, Maine, USA 2/8/1879
Hannah Sarah Dearborn 5th cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn 5th cousin once removed up (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn 5th cousin once removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
Betsy W Lang 5th cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 11/18/1813
John Bickford Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 8/1/1817
William P Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) Fort Constitution, New Castle, New Hampshire, USA 9/9/1819 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4/16/1864
Nancy D Lang 5th cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/9/1822
Ruibin D Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 1824
Oliver S Lang 5th cousin once removed up (m) Waterboro, Maine, USA 10/14/1826
Hanah S Lang 5th cousin once removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 6/2/1828
Marcy Comfort Lang 5th cousin once removed up (f) Stark, New Hampshire, USA 10/30/1834 Aft 1918
5th cousins twice removed up
Theodate Page 5th cousin twice removed up (f) Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 10/21/1733 Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 4/16/1804
Abraham Drake 5th cousin twice removed up (m) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/3/1745 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1819
Mary Jenness 5th cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 3/5/1747 North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 2/1/1813
Martha Locke 5th cousin twice removed up (f) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 12/15/1751
John Lang 5th cousin twice removed up (m) Rye, New Hampshire, USA 1/12/1767 Limerick, Maine, USA 8/31/1843
Comfort Hobbs 5th cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 1/30/1769 Bradford, Maine, USA 1/25/1859
Mercy Drake 5th cousin twice removed up (f) North Hampton, New Hampsire, USA 5/11/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 10/9/1850
Reuben Dearborn 5th cousin twice removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 7/24/1769 Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 1/30/1835
Hannah Sarah Dearborn 5th cousin twice removed up (f) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 4/11/1794 Rumford, Maine, USA 3/1/1850
John Washington Dearborn 5th cousin twice removed up (m) Parsonsfield, Maine, USA 10/23/1797 Bradford, Maine, USA 12/1/1865
Morris Dearborn 5th cousin twice removed up (m) Effingham, New Hampshire, USA 3/1/1799
4th cousins once removed
Betsy Hollis 4th cousin once removed (f)
John Hollis 4th cousin once removed (m)
Melinda Hollis 4th cousin once removed (f)
Nancy Hollis 4th cousin once removed (f)
Oliver Hollis 4th cousin once removed (m)
Rubin Hollis 4th cousin once removed (m)
William F Lang 4th cousin once removed (m) 9/12/1836
Ida H Lang 4th cousin once removed (f) 3/27/1853
Charles L Lang 4th cousin once removed (m) 9/12/1856
Alma Blanche Hollis 4th cousin once removed (f) North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 3/8/1860 Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA 12/29/1943


Date Age Event Category
Jan 20, 1775 - Jun 10, 1836 (-57.8) - 3.6 Life of André Marie Ampère Personalities
Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882 (-23.7) - 49.5 Life of Charles Robert Darwin Personalities
Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 15, 1865 (-23.7) - 32.5 Life of Abraham Lincoln Personalities
Feb 7, 1812 - Jun 9, 1870 (-20.7) - 37.6 Life of Charles John Huffam Dickens Personalities
Dec 13, 1816 - Dec 6, 1892 (-15.9) - 60.2 Life of Werner von Siemens Personalities
Dec 30, 1819 - Sep 20, 1890 (-12.8) - 57.9 Life of Theodor Fontane Personalities
Mar 4, 1829 - Mar 4, 1837 (-3.6) - 4.4 President of the United States of America: Andrew Jackson USA - Presidents
Dec 15, 1832 - Dec 27, 1923 0.1 - 91.2 Life of Gustave Eiffel Personalities
1833 0.7 Establishment of Shell Companies
Mar 17, 1834 - Mar 6, 1900 1.4 - 67.4 Life of Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler Personalities
Mar 4, 1837 - Mar 4, 1841 4.4 - 8.4 President of the United States of America: Martin Van Buren USA - Presidents
1837 4.7 Establishment of the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) Companies
1837 4.7 Establishment of the Colt's Manufacturing Company Companies
Oct 31, 1837 5.0 Establishment of Procter & Gamble Companies
Jul 8, 1838 - Mar 8, 1917 5.7 - 84.4 Life of Ferdinand von Zeppelin Personalities
1839 - 1842 6.7 - 9.7 First Anglo-Afghan War Wars & Military Conflicts
Mar 4, 1841 - Apr 4, 1841 8.4 President of the United States of America: William Henry Harrison USA - Presidents
Apr 4, 1841 - Mar 4, 1845 8.4 - 12.4 President of the United States of America: John Tyler USA - Presidents
Dec 11, 1843 - May 27, 1910 11.1 - 77.6 Life of Robert Koch Personalities
Nov 25, 1844 - Apr 4, 1929 12.1 - 96.5 Life of Carl Benz Personalities
Mar 4, 1845 - Mar 4, 1849 12.4 - 16.4 President of the United States of America: James K. Polk USA - Presidents
1846 13.7 Establishment of the Associated Press Companies
1846 13.7 Establishment of Carl Zeiss AG Companies
Feb 11, 1847 - Oct 18, 1931 14.3 - 99.0 Life of Thomas Alva Edison Personalities
Mar 3, 1847 - Aug 1, 1922 14.4 - 89.8 Life of Alexander Graham Bell Personalities
1847 14.7 Establishment of Siemens Companies
1847 14.7 Establishment of Cartier Companies
Mar 1, 1848 - Sep 30, 1849 15.4 - 16.9 Revolutions of 1848/1849 in the German Confederation Germany
Mar 31, 1848 - Apr 3, 1849 15.4 - 16.4 The National Assembly meets in the Church of St. Paul in Frankfurt Germany
Dec 1, 1848 16.1 Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte is elected, start of the 2nd Republic France
Mar 4, 1849 - Jul 9, 1850 16.4 - 17.7 President of the United States of America: Zachary Taylor USA - Presidents
1849 16.7 Establishment of Pfizer Companies
1850 17.7 Establishment of the American Express Company Companies
Jul 9, 1850 - Mar 4, 1853 17.7 - 20.4 President of the United States of America: Millard Fillmore USA - Presidents
1851 18.7 Establishment of The New York Times Companies
1851 18.7 Establishment of Reuters Companies
1851 18.7 Western Union established Companies
Dec 2, 1852 - Sep 4, 1870 20.1 - 37.9 Emperor of France: Napoleon III France
Mar 4, 1853 - Mar 4, 1857 20.4 - 24.4 President of the United States of America: Franklin Pierce USA - Presidents
1853 20.7 Establishment of Levi Strauss & Co Companies
May 6, 1856 - Sep 23, 1939 23.5 - 107.0 Life of Sigmund Freud Personalities
Mar 4, 1857 - Mar 4, 1861 24.4 - 28.4 President of the United States of America: James Buchanan USA - Presidents
1859 26.7 Construction period of Big Ben Monuments
Mar 4, 1861 - Apr 15, 1865 28.4 - 32.5 President of the United States of America: Abraham Lincoln USA - Presidents
Mar 17, 1861 28.4 Victor Emmanuel II proclaimed as King of Italy, the first king of a united Italy Italy
Sep 23, 1861 - Mar 12, 1942 28.9 - 109.4 Life of Robert Bosch Personalities
Jul 30, 1863 - Apr 7, 1947 30.8 - 114.5 Life of Henry Ford Personalities
Oct 16, 1863 - Mar 17, 1937 31.0 - 104.5 Life of Joseph Austen Chamberlain Personalities
Apr 15, 1865 - Mar 4, 1869 32.5 - 36.4 President of the United States of America: Andrew Johnson USA - Presidents
Jun 9, 1866 - Jul 26, 1866 33.6 - 33.8 Austro-Prussian War ('German War') Germany
Mar 10, 1867 34.4 First telephone voice transmission Technology
1868 - 1878 35.7 - 45.7 Ten Years' War ('Great War') Wars & Military Conflicts
Mar 4, 1869 - Mar 4, 1877 36.4 - 44.4 President of the United States of America: Ulysses S. Grant USA - Presidents
Sep 5, 1869 - 1884 36.9 - 51.7 Construction period of Neuschwanstein Castle Monuments
Apr 22, 1870 - Jan 21, 1924 37.5 - 91.3 Life of Vladimir Lenin Personalities
1870 37.7 Start of the 3rd French Republic France
Jul 19, 1870 - May 10, 1871 37.8 - 38.6 Franco-Prussian War Germany
Jan 18, 1871 - Mar 9, 1888 38.3 - 55.4 German Emperor: Wilhelm I Germany
Nov 9, 1871 39.1 Founding of the German Empire Germany
Nov 30, 1874 - Jan 24, 1965 42.1 - 132.3 Life of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill Personalities
Jan 5, 1876 - Apr 19, 1967 43.2 - 134.6 Life of Konrad Adenauer Personalities
Mar 4, 1877 - Mar 4, 1881 44.4 - 48.4 President of the United States of America: Rutherford B. Hayes USA - Presidents
1878 - 1881 45.7 - 48.7 Second Anglo-Afghan War Wars & Military Conflicts
1878 45.7 Establishment of Bell Telephone Company Companies
Dec 31, 1878 46.2 First two-stroke internal combustion gas engine Automobile History
Mar 14, 1879 - Apr 18, 1955 46.4 - 122.6 Life of Albert Einstein Personalities
1879 46.7 Discovery of cholera vaccine Medicine
1879 46.7 Anglo-Zulu War Wars & Military Conflicts
1879 46.7 Discovery of plague vaccine Medicine
Dec 20, 1880 - Mar 23, 1881 48.2 - 48.4 First Boer War ('First South African War') Wars & Military Conflicts
Mar 4, 1881 - Sep 19, 1881 48.4 - 48.9 President of the United States of America: James A. Garfield USA - Presidents
Aug 6, 1881 - Mar 11, 1955 48.8 - 122.5 Life of Alexander Fleming Personalities
Sep 19, 1881 - Mar 4, 1885 48.9 - 52.4 President of the United States of America: Chester A. Arthur USA - Presidents
1882 49.7 Establishment of Peugeot Companies
1882 49.7 Britain occupies Egypt Discoveries & Colonization
Jan 21, 1884 - Dec 12, 1963 51.3 - 131.2 Life of Theodor Heuss Personalities
1884 51.7 First controlled flight of a Zeppelin Aviation History
Nov 15, 1884 - Feb 26, 1885 52.1 - 52.4 Berlin Conference ('Congo Conference') Discoveries & Colonization
Mar 4, 1885 - Mar 4, 1889 52.4 - 56.4 President of the United States of America: Grover Cleveland USA - Presidents
1886 53.7 Establishment of Johnson & Johnson Companies
1886 53.7 Establishment of the Coca Cola Company Companies
Oct 28, 1886 54.0 Construction period of the Statue of Liberty Monuments
1887 - 1889 54.7 - 56.7 Construction period of the Eiffel Tower Monuments
1887 54.7 Huang He flood Disasters
Mar 9, 1888 - Jun 15, 1888 55.4 - 55.7 German Emperor: Friedrich III Germany
Jun 15, 1888 - Nov 9, 1918 55.7 - 86.1 German Emperor: Wilhelm II Germany
1888 55.7 First commercially manufactured automobile by Karl Benz Automobile History
Mar 4, 1889 - Mar 4, 1893 56.4 - 60.4 President of the United States of America: Benjamin Harrison USA - Presidents
Apr 20, 1889 - Apr 30, 1945 56.5 - 112.6 Life of Adolf Hitler Personalities
1890 57.7 Establishment of General Electric Companies
1890 57.7 Establishment of Daimler Companies
Oct 14, 1890 - Mar 28, 1969 58.0 - 136.5 Life of Dwight David Eisenhower Personalities
Mar 4, 1893 - Mar 4, 1897 60.4 - 64.4 President of the United States of America: Grover Cleveland USA - Presidents
1896 - 1897 63.7 - 64.7 Matabele Wars ('Ndebele Matabele War') Wars & Military Conflicts
1896 63.7 Establishment of IBM (International Business Machines Corp., formerly 'Computing Tabulating Recording Corp. (CTR)') Companies
Mar 4, 1897 - Sep 14, 1901 64.4 - 68.9 President of the United States of America: William McKinley USA - Presidents
Oct 11, 1899 - May 31, 1902 67.0 - 69.6 Second Boer War ('Second South African War') Wars & Military Conflicts
Sep 8, 1900 67.9 Galveston hurricane; destruction of the city of Galveston, Texas Disasters
Sep 14, 1901 - Mar 4, 1909 68.9 - 76.4 President of the United States of America: Theodore Roosevelt USA - Presidents
Oct 19, 1901 69.0 First motorized zeppelin flight Aviation History
Dec 5, 1901 - Dec 15, 1966 69.2 - 134.2 Life of Walter Elias Disney Personalities
Jun 16, 1903 70.7 Establishment of Ford Motor Company Companies
Dec 16, 1903 71.2 First controlled powered human flight by the Wright brothers Aviation History
1904 - 1908 71.7 - 75.7 Herero and Namaqua Uprising ('Herero and Namaqua Genocide') Wars & Military Conflicts
Apr 18, 1906 73.5 San Francisco earthquake of 1906 Disasters
1907 74.7 First helicopter flight Aviation History
Sep 16, 1908 75.9 Establishment of General Motors Companies
Sep 27, 1908 76.0 Introduction of the Ford Model T Automobile History
Mar 4, 1909 - Mar 4, 1913 76.4 - 80.4 President of the United States of America: William Howard Taft USA - Presidents
1909 76.7 Discovery of antibiotics Medicine
May 30, 1911 78.6 First 'Indy 500' race in Indianapolis Automobile History
May 30, 1911 78.6 One in seven families in the US owns a car Automobile History
Oct 23, 1911 79.0 First military use of an airplane Aviation History
Mar 4, 1913 - Mar 4, 1921 80.4 - 88.4 President of the United States of America: Woodrow Wilson USA - Presidents
Jun 14, 1914 - Jun 15, 1914 81.7 First transatlantic flight Aviation History
Jun 28, 1914 - Nov 11, 1918 81.7 - 86.1 World War I Wars & Military Conflicts
Aug 6, 1914 - Nov 25, 1918 81.8 - 86.1 East African Campaign (World War I) Wars & Military Conflicts
Sep 13, 1914 - Jul 9, 1915 81.9 - 82.8 South-West Africa Campaign (World War I) Wars & Military Conflicts
Oct 14, 1914 - Oct 24, 1914 82.0 Maritz Rebellion Wars & Military Conflicts
Apr 24, 1916 - Apr 30, 1916 83.6 Easter Rising Great Britain
1916 83.7 Establishment of BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke AG) Companies
Mar 8, 1917 - Mar 12, 1917 84.4 Russian February Revolution Russia
May 29, 1917 - Nov 22, 1963 84.6 - 131.2 Life of John F. Kennedy Personalities
1917 - 1923 84.7 - 90.7 Russian Civil War Wars & Military Conflicts
Nov 7, 1917 85.1 Founding of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic Russia
Nov 9, 1918 86.1 German Revolution Germany
Feb 11, 1919 - Feb 28, 1925 86.4 - 92.4 President of Germany: Friedrich Ebert Germany
Feb 13, 1919 - Jun 20, 1919 86.4 - 86.7 Chancellor of Germany: Philipp Scheidemann Germany
May 6, 1919 - Aug 8, 1919 86.6 - 86.8 Third Anglo-Afghan War Wars & Military Conflicts
1919 86.7 First transatlantic zeppelin flight Aviation History
Aug 11, 1919 86.8 Adoption of the Weimar Constitution Germany
Sep 10, 1919 86.9 Treaty of Saint-Germain Italy
Mar 4, 1921 - Aug 2, 1923 88.4 - 90.8 President of the United States of America: Warren G. Harding USA - Presidents
Dec 6, 1921 89.2 Anglo-Irish Treaty Great Britain
Oct 28, 1922 90.1 Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy Italy
Aug 2, 1923 - Mar 4, 1929 90.8 - 96.4 President of the United States of America: Calvin Coolidge USA - Presidents
Aug 13, 1923 - Nov 23, 1923 90.9 - 91.1 Chancellor of Germany: Gustav Stresemann Germany
Sep 13, 1923 90.9 Establishment of the military dictatorship Spain
May 12, 1925 - Aug 2, 1934 92.6 - 101.8 President of Germany: Paul von Hindenburg Germany
Jun 14, 1928 - Oct 9, 1967 95.7 - 135.0 Life of Che Guevara Personalities
1928 95.7 Discovery of penicillin Medicine
Jan 15, 1929 - Apr 4, 1968 96.3 - 135.5 Life of Martin Luther King Personalities
Mar 4, 1929 - Mar 4, 1933 96.4 - 100.4 President of the United States of America: Herbert Hoover USA - Presidents
Oct 25, 1929 97.1 'Black Friday' USA
Jan 22, 1930 - May 1, 1931 97.3 - 98.6 Construction period of the Empire State Building Monuments
Mar 30, 1930 - May 30, 1932 97.5 - 99.7 Chancellor of Germany: Heinrich Brüning Germany
Aug 5, 1930 - Aug 25, 2012 97.8 - 180.0 Life of Neil Armstrong Personalities
Apr 14, 1931 98.5 Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic Spain
1931 98.7 Establishment of Porsche Companies
Dec 11, 1931 99.2 Statute of Westminster Great Britain
Jun 1, 1932 - Nov 17, 1932 99.7 - 100.1 Chancellor of Germany: Franz von Papen Germany