Butler Family Tree

Lydia Clark

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Jonathan Clark 3/14/1690 Jemima Staples 4/23/1694

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 2/28/1716 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA
Death 1/23/1797 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Thomas Hollis Husband Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 5/20/1714 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
Brothers & Sisters
John Clark Brother Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 2/19/1713 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA MAR 1805
Jonathan Hollis Son 12/7/1735
Thomas Hollis Son Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 5/18/1737 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 10/8/1787
Esther Hollis Daughter Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 4/16/1739 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 3/6/1809
Susannah Hollis Daughter Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 12/24/1741
Reuben Hollis Son Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 9/2/1744
Elizabeth Hollis Daughter Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 5/23/1758 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 9/12/1779
Jonathan Clark Father Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 3/14/1690 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 5/25/1746
Jemima Staples Mother Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 4/23/1694 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1769
Polly Woods Granddaughter 1758 1801
Great grandchildren
Polly Belcher Great granddaughter Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 6/1795
Harriet Belcher Great granddaughter Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 11/1796 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 7/15/1870
Betsy Belcher Great granddaughter East Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1798 7/15/1870
William Belcher Great grandson East Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 7/1800
Damaris Francis Grandmother Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 8/14/1728
Joseph Clark Grandfather Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 11/8/1708
John Staples Grandfather Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 11/3/1672 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 11/5/1700
Jemima Jewett Grandmother Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA 1675 Middleborough, Massachusetts, USA 4/25/1716
Great grandparents
Rose Great grandmother Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 4/26/1659
Sarah Atkins Great grandmother
John Francis Great grandfather England Abt 1598
Experience Pierce Great grandmother Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA 1642 Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA 11/13/1731
Nehemiah Jewett Great grandfather Rowley, Massachusetts, USA 4/6/1643 Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA 1/1/1720
John Staples Jr Great grandfather Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1647 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 8/30/1692
Second great grandparents
John Staples Second great grandfather Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England 1608 Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA 7/4/1683
Third great grandparents
Jeffrey Staples Third great grandfather Halton, Buckinghamshire, England Abt 1576 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 1647
Margery Chrismas Third great grandmother Abt 1585 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Aft 12/14/1663
Fourth great grandparents
Robert Staples Fourth great grandfather England Abt 1550 Halton, Buckinghamshire, England 1601
Sarah Mother-in-law
Samuel Hollis Father-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 1679
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Susanna Bryant Sister-in-law
Samuel Hollis Brother-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 1/12/1711
Abigail Hollis Sister-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 3/20/1712
John Hollis Brother-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 4/5/1718 10/5/1789
Mehitable Vinton Sister-in-law Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 11/29/1736 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1/14/1822
Nephews & Nieces
John Hollis Jr. Nephew-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1740
Jacob Clark Nephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 6/16/1742
Paul Clark Nephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 4/15/1744 Randolph, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 1841
Relief Clark Niece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 10/29/1745
Jonathan Clark Nephew 2/3/1746
Dolly Hollis Niece-in-law Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1746
Barnabas Clark Nephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 10/22/1749
Susanna Clark Niece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1/10/1751
Richard Hollis Nephew-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 4/22/1753 Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA 3/11/1815
Jemima Clark Niece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 5/19/1753
Relief Clark Niece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1/6/1756
Adam Hollis Nephew-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 1761 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1840
Eve Hollis Niece-in-law 1764 1794
Ambrose Hollis Nephew-in-law Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1767 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1853
Susanna Hollis Niece-in-law 1774
Grandnephews & Grandnieces
Jacob Clark Grandnephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA ABT 1763
Silas Clark Grandnephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA BEF 7/27/1766
Paul Clark Grandnephew Braintree, Massachusetts, USA BEF 7/5/1767
Jemima Clark Grandniece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA ABT 1769 5/3/1842
Elizabeth Clark Grandniece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 5/29/1774 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1841
Deborah Clark Grandniece Braintree, Massachusetts, USA ABT 1774
Ambrose Hollis Jr. Grandnephew-in-law Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 5/17/1788 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1876
Royal Hollis Grandnephew-in-law Randolph, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1814 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1/15/1892
Great grandnephews & Great grandnieces
Royal Hollis Great grandnephew Randolph, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1814 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 1/15/1892
Second grandnephews & Second grandnieces
Sally Hayden Hollis Second grandniece 9/8/1831
Luther Hayden Hollis Second grandnephew Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 4/18/1836 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 2/24/1901
Levi Woodbury Hollis Second grandnephew 5/26/1837
Leonard Morton Hollis Second grandnephew 3/7/1841 10/20/1861
Elvira Hayden Hollis Second grandniece Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 1850 1942
Myron Lawrence Hollis Second grandnephew 2/18/1852 9/21/1865
Third grandnephews & Third grandnieces
Betsy Hollis Third grandniece
John Hollis Third grandnephew
Melinda Hollis Third grandniece
Nancy Hollis Third grandniece
Oliver Hollis Third grandnephew
Rubin Hollis Third grandnephew
Alma Blanche Hollis Third grandniece North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 3/8/1860 Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA 12/29/1943
Edith A Snell Third grandniece 1870
Mary E Snell Third grandniece 1872
Hazel Snell Third grandniece 1884
Fourth grandnephews & Fourth grandnieces
Alton Bassett Butler Fourth grandnephew
Lawrence Alton Butler Fourth grandnephew Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 8/9/1885 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 1946
Harold Bradford Butler Fourth grandnephew Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 4/6/1890 Hanson, Massachusetts, USA 8/5/1953
Uncles & Aunts
Sarah Staples Aunt Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 4/3/1696
Mary Staples Aunt Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1/13/1697
Great uncles & Great aunts
Samuel Staples Great uncle Braintree, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1680 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA 12/25/1743
(Great uncles & Great aunts)-in-law
Elizabeth Pratt Great aunt-in-law
Second cousins
Elizabeth French Second cousin (f) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1735 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 8/20/1799
1st cousins once removed up
Rebecca Staples 1st cousin once removed up (f) Pembroke, Massachusetts, USA 10/17/1714 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1/25/1801
2nd cousins once removed
Levi Hayden 2nd cousin once removed (m) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 7/2/1760 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 4/13/1822
2nd cousins twice removed
Levi Hayden Jr. 2nd cousin twice removed (m) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA Abt 9/1786 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 11/2/1853
Luther Hayden 2nd cousin twice removed (m) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1789 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA 11/5/1873
Ephraim Hayden 2nd cousin twice removed (m) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 1792 Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 8/2/1814
Mary Hayden 2nd cousin twice removed (f) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1794 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 4/8/1840
Betsey Hayden 2nd cousin twice removed (f) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA Abt 1797
2nd cousins 3 times removed
Luther Alonzo Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (m) North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 3/8/1813
Madison Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (m) North Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 7/15/1814
Sarah Sumner Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (f) Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 8/13/1816 Randolph, Massachusetts, USA 12/11/1910
Many Porter Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (f) 4/30/1823
Elvira Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (f) 3/4/1825
Isaiah Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (m) 5/20/1827 1893
Isaac Hayden 2nd cousin 3 times removed (m) 2/16/1830 1863
William Belcher Grandson-in-law Braintree, Massachusetts, USA 9/27/1767 Holbrook, Massachusetts, USA 11/13/1857


Date Age Event Category
Dec 25, 1642 - Mar 20, 1726 (-73.2) - 10.1 Life of Isaac Newton Personalities
Mar 21, 1685 - Jul 28, 1750 (-31.0) - 34.4 Life of Johann Sebastian Bach Personalities
May 24, 1686 - Sep 16, 1736 (-29.8) - 20.6 Life of Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Personalities
Jan 18, 1689 - Feb 10, 1755 (-27.1) - 39.0 Life of Charles De Secondat, Baron de Montequieu Personalities
Jan 17, 1706 - Apr 17, 1790 (-10.1) - 74.2 Life of Benjamin Franklin Personalities
Feb 22, 1732 - Dec 14, 1799 16.0 - 83.8 Life of George Washington Personalities
Dec 23, 1732 - Aug 5, 1792 16.8 - 76.5 Life of Richard Arkwright Personalities
1737 21.4 Dissolution of the House of Medici Italy
Aug 28, 1749 - Mar 22, 1832 33.5 - 116.1 Life of Johann Wolfgang Goethe Personalities
Nov 1, 1755 39.7 Great Lisbon Earthquake Disasters
1756 - 1763 40.4 - 47.4 Seven Years' War Wars & Military Conflicts
Feb 10, 1763 47.0 Treaty of 1763 ('Peace of Paris'), Spain cedes Florida to Britain. USA
Aug 15, 1769 - May 5, 1821 53.5 - 105.3 Life of Napoléon Bonaparte Personalities
Dec 17, 1770 - Mar 26, 1827 54.8 - 111.1 Life of Ludwig von Beethoven Personalities
Dec 16, 1773 57.8 Boston Tea Party USA
Jan 20, 1775 - Jun 10, 1836 58.9 - 120.4 Life of André Marie Ampère Personalities
Jul 4, 1776 60.4 Declaration of Independence USA
Sep 3, 1783 67.6 Treaty of Paris 1783, end of the American War of Independence USA
Apr 30, 1789 - Mar 4, 1797 73.2 - 81.1 President of the United States of America: George Washington USA - Presidents
Jul 14, 1789 73.4 Storming of the Bastille France
Sep 3, 1791 75.6 Adoption of the first French Constitution France
1792 - 1800 76.4 - 84.4 Construction period of the White House Monuments
Sep 22, 1792 76.6 Proclamation of the first French Republic France
1794 78.4 First railway steam locomotive Technology
1795 79.4 Start of the exploration of the Niger Discoveries & Colonization
Jul 22, 1795 79.4 Peace of Basel Spain