Admiral Alpha
If this unit is to function as Ops, I wish to confirm that my training conforms to Hawking's command structure. From my observation, the Hawking operates much as Joy Seven is used to as Ops/Helm of USS Aurora, but if any of the following is not consistent with your preferred mode of operation, this unit should be informed.
Tac by default controls shields, phasers, torpedoes, and tractors.
Sensors are shared by Tac, Helm, Science, Ops, and Security. In general, there are enough sensing capabilities to go around. If everyone is scanning at once, someone might be short on allocation, and Ops would decide scanner priority on these very rare occasions.
Security has control of some ship systems. Notably, during alert status, corridor doors can be locked down, TL systems shut down, force fields can secure various areas, etc.
Ops, Tac, or Science might program and launch probes. Ops is default, but it varies by mission.
Helm controls thrusters, impulse, warp, deflectors, and navigation/guidance. If destination is a star, this unit by default comes out of warp a few light hours out, perpendicular to the ecliptic, so the ship can scan the ecliptic. Less than a minute under moderate warp could bring the ship anywhere in system. If told to go to a station or planet, Joy's default is to come out of warp about a light minute away - out of weapons range - give everyone a chance to scan the area, then close on impulse. If you intend to fire on an enemy ship, or use tractors or transporters, you will likely have to give an order to close the range. This unit will hold Hawking out of weapons range unless and until specific orders to close are received. 'Standard orbit' is one example of such orders.
Transporter and tractor range are about 40,000 KM. Phaser range is 300,000 KM, or about a light second. Photon Torpedo range is 3,500,000 KM, or about 12 light seconds. As a difference in speed of only one integer warp might mean the faster ship is out pacing the slower by 100 times the speed of light, the faster ship can pull out of weapons range very quickly. The slower ship thus has real problems forcing the faster to fight.
Helm accepts orders to change course and speed from the officer of the deck (usually the captain) and the XO. If anyone else tries to give navigational orders, a confirmation from the command staff is required.
Ops orders come from anyone and anywhere. Objective is to resolve all requests without bothering the command staff with details.
While Warp 9 is 1516 times the speed of light. This is only 4 light years a day. If asked to give a time to another star, time estimates from several days to a week are normal unless the ship is in the immediate vicinity of the system in question.
Ops has control of most any system not already mentioned above, but most systems not listed above are on automatic. This includes structural integrity fields, inertial compensation, life support, computer core, waste management, transporters, subspace communications, etc...
While tac, helm and ops have day to day operational control of most systems, when something breaks the engineering department is usually involved in the repair process.
When use of the transporter is imminent, Ops should notify the engineering department to assign a transporter chief. Taking shields down to allow transport is a task shared by Ops, Tac and the Transport Chief. Normally, Tac will assign the shields to automatically drop on transport energize. Automatic shield drop can be disabled by Tac, and usually is during alert status. Shields locked on effectively disables the transporter. Ops may override Tac, but in general should not.
Again, confirmation of the above and notification of any difference in operational procedures is requested.