Joy Class Androids

The Card

"That's the brief, folks. We've got the holodeck in ten minutes. Check you all have training phasers, and on safe. Any questions?"

"The card! Don't forget to read the card!"

"The card!"

"The card!"

"Cadet Joy Seven, front and center."

She came forward, turned red, and examined the toes of her boots. I pulled 'The Card' from my pocket with a grand flourish, and read the ritual.

"Cadet Joy Seven, you are hereby authorized to use simulated force for the duration of the training session, as limited by the Default Rules of Engagement for time of peace and opponents of similar technology. You are not to open fire without authority or a damned good reason, but this is not a denial of authority to open fire should you have cause. While you are obligated to prevent injury or death to your team mates or those under our protection, you may not without orders attempt to protect the enemy or any third parties from injury or death."

"Yes, sir."

"Joy Seven, the scenario rules claim your life is worth as many victory points as anyone else on this team. Disregarding the contents of your Asimov processor, you shall not take undue risks to yourself while saving others, unless you increase our victory point totals in the process."

"Yes, sir."

Joy sat down and tried in vain to become inconspicuous. The rest of the team applauded. When the noise settled down, I continued. "We are now officially armed and dangerous. Let's roll!"