Robert Butler
BS EE Northeastern University
The professional parapsychologists have firm evidence of probability alteration in laboratory experiments. Most physicists reject or ignore the data. Accepting mind over matter does not fit the existing models of how the universe works. Perhaps it is time for a new model? This paper rejects mind over matter while accepting the probability shifts. The more emotional of the Many Worlds alternate realities are more likely to be observed. Emotion raises metabolic rates, which causes more "collapse" events, which results in more alternate universes being spun off. Thus, there is truth in Murphy's Law. If something can go wrong, and one's metabolic rate increases as a result, it becomes more probable that something will go wrong. Thus, the flying cheerleader image. The optimal approach to use psi to increase the odds of something good happening would be to increase the metabolic rates of a large group of people immediately after something good happens. Yes, the cheerleaders can go wild only after the pass is caught, or the touchdown scored. In the Murphy's Laws example, one gets mad at the machine only after it breaks. The cause influencing the probability shift comes only after the random event that was influenced has occurred. This is called "retrocausality." Retrocausality is an observed reproducible phenomena, though the probability shifts that can be induced are very small. Many of the stranger non-intuitive quantum behaviors, such as single particle interference and electron orbitals, also become more intuitively understandable when viewed as retrocausal temporal interference among the Many Worlds. |
This is not the first or only theory of psi based on mixing reverse time causality and quantum mechanics. The RetroPsychoKinesis Project web sight, by the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK provides an overview of other theoretical papers, and experimental results. It also provides an opportunity, no matter where in the world you are located, to participate through the Internet in their experiment. Random events recorded in the past, by a random number generator in Europe, may be altered after the fact, over the Internet. Apparent mental influences - the future altering the past - are well established in the formal academic psi literature.
This paper varies from the more traditional approaches to retropsychokineses (RPK) in several ways.
Prior RPK theories have been based on the Copenhagen Convention. This paper uses Many Worlds. Many Worlds assumes that all solutions to the quantum equations are equally real. There exist alternate parallel time lines in inherently unobservable dimensions. Copenhagen Convention follows a more common sense readily observed approach. We can only observe one time line. The quantum equations can predict and model observations of that reality. The less said about the alternate solutions, and the sooner such solutions can be ignored or "collapsed," the better. Without retrocausality, the distinction between the two theories is virtually null. With retrocausality, it becomes convenient, possibly necessary, to compare and contrast the futures containing hits with those that contain misses. To examine the nature of the reverse time feedback mechanism, one has to compare two sets of very different futures. Many Worlds, a system where these futures are assumed to exist, seems worth exploring. If psi experiments show certain futures more probable than others, this could arguably be a proof of Many Worlds.
This paper specifically identifies a retrocausal feedback mechanism. Prior papers have not. When a hit is scored, many psi subjects are excited. Increased emotion increases metabolism, which increases the number of collapse events, which increases the number of Many Worlds alternate universes. Assume each alternate reality creates an equal amount of reverse time feedback. If there are more hit futures than miss futures, the probability of a hit is increased.
Identifying the feedback mechanism allows specific predictions, predictions other models do not make. While it is not possible to observe and count alternate futures, one can measure metabolic shifts. Thus, subjects excited by hits, but calm on misses, should make optimal psi subjects. Polygraph recording of metabolic levels and biofeedback techniques to increase metabolic shift should conform or deny they theory.
Finally, the theory allows a more intuitive understanding of quantum mechanics. Single particle interference can be viewed as interference between the Many Worlds. Electron orbitals can be interpreted as single particle temporal interference. Electrons can only be observed orbiting nuclei at specific energy levels as they are interfering with their past and future positions. The distinction between Newton's analog large scale causal world view and quantum discrete energy levels might be understood through temporal interference effects.
Why the title? If one gets mad when machines break, one produces extra alternate realities with broken machines. This creates a small bias, a slight change in probabilities, favoring broken machines. If something can go wrong, and one gets upset when it does, there is a probability shift favoring going wrong. Yes, the anger comes after the malfunction. The cause comes after the effect. Murhpy's Law reflects negative psi. Bad stuff is made more probable by active emotions such as anger and frustration. Celebration and excitement can create favorable psi probability shifts. The universe is slightly biased towards interesting times.
My qualifications for proposing this theory are nil. I have belonged to various religious groups, and observed what were sometimes called "Christian coincidences." These are micro miracles, often attributed to divine influence, equally attributable to not quite random chance. Informal observation, not documented in any controlled fashion, suggests these micro miracles tend to involve the emotions and tend to occur to emotional people.
For a time, playing a superhero role-playing game, I ran a fictional character whose super power was the ability to sense and choose among alternate futures. This informal immersion in the Many Worlds theory provided a fresh perspective on quantum phenomena. Still, I have not the math or the academic credentials to publish in the refereed journals. Thus, I'm splashing the web. While unusual circumstances led to the ten percent inspiration aspect of creating the theory, perspiration is required by people with math, physics and experimental backgrounds.
The paper works from the simple and abstract to the more complex. We start with a compare and contrast of Many Worlds and Copenhagen. We then work from single particle interference, electron orbitals, psi, then experimental predictions. In all sections, the experimental evidence described is well established. It is only the interpretation, temporal resonance and metabolic reverse time causality, that is new.
Next Copenhagen v. Many Worlds
March 21, 2000
The RetroPsychoKinesis Project - In entering this site into the DMOZ directory, I was surprised to find the category Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Parapsychology: Retrocausality The only entry was for an on line psi experiment in retroactive PK being run out of the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. The professional parapsychologists, or at least some of them, are working in the same direction as this paper. Visit the RPK Project to view some of the more professional papers, and get a feel for the evidence.
Quantum Confusion - Does Modern Physics Support the Psychics? A paper from The Connecticut Skeptic which presents a more conservative description of basic quantum phenomena, with warnings about how the theory might be abused by pseudo scientists. The author had not seen this paper, but presents much of the same material as Proving Murphy's Law with exact opposite spin.
Divide by Psi - A response to Novella's Quantum Confusion, above. Yes, using selected concepts and buzz words from established theories without accepting the theories as a whole is questionable pseudo science. Examines non-locality and the merits of existing quantum mechanical theory.
Skeptic's FAQ - Even the skeptics acknowledge the more scientific studies.
Parapsychology Sources on the Internet - A links page pointing to general information sources in the field.
Coda - A few pages on my Many Worlds superheroine. Not much in the way of science, but it gives one an idea how crazy one has to be to "get it" on a quantum level. Might take the concept of "Check your preconceptions at the door" to a new level.
Warp Nine Flying False Colors - My home page.
Many Worlds - Single
Particle Interference - Orbitals |