Most of my pictures were focused on the ship's fighting
capabilities. A few didn't quite fit. These are here.
Did I mention the crew size grew above
Marine Country
Marine Country, again.
A Warrant Officer's Cabin
Warrant officers are apparently much more likely to roll out of
bed in rough seas than marines. Note a 19 degree wall to the far
Sailor's Mess
To the right is the armor surrounding Turret Three
Program from BB59's Second
Shore - Dock -
Engines - Dry-dock
- Perspectives
Anchor - 16 Inch -
George - Turret 3
- Shells - Magazines
- Jean Bart - Armor
Hatches - Five
Inchers - Inside 5" - Quad
40s - Turkey Trot
AA Directors - Sky -
Spot - Radar -
Last Look - History
- BB Names
Massachusetts - Galveston
- Homepage - NavShips
& NavRing